- Condition: New
- Fitment: Compact to Medium Frame Pistol
- Weight: .15 lb
- Color: Black
What Can It Fit:
- Berett 84 Cheetah
- Berett Px4 Sub Compact
- Berett 92A1
- Berett M-87 Cheetah
- Berett M92
- Bersa Thunder 9
- Beras Thunder 45
- Berett Nano
- CZ compact
- CZ75 Pro Duty
- CZ75 SP-01
- FNH-USA 57
- Glock 17, 17L, 19, 20, 21, 21SF,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43
- H&K P30
- H&K P7M8
- H&K P2000 SK Sub Compact
- H&K USP C-40
- Kahr P30
- Kahr P40
- Kahr P45
- Kimber Crimson Carry II
- Kimber Ultra Carry II
- Ruger P95
- Ruger SR9
- S&W SD40, SD9, SW9VE, SW40VE
- S&W M&P Shield (9mm / .40 / .45)
- Sig Sauer Mosquito
- Sig Sauer P220
- Sig Sauer P226
- Sig Sauer P229
- Sig Sauer P239
- Sig Sauer P320
- Sig Sauer P250
- Sig Sauer SP2022
- Taurus 24/7 G@, Taurus PT111
- Taurus Milennium Pro
- And many more!
Ankle Holster For Small/Med Frame Pistol TAC-LH1
Leg Holster Ankle Wrap Around. Easily carry your protection
in all environment's and conditions.
Detailed Information:
Wrap around leg holster holds small to med frame pistols.
Stretch material allows comfort when wearing giving a great fit.
- Condition: Factory New
- Fitment: Small and Med Frame Pistols
- Weight: .15 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Compact .380/22/.25 TAC-WSB1
Designed for compact small frame .380, .22, and .25. Some of the models this fits is, Astra Camper/
Beretta Auto's tomcat 3032; .32 ACP; 20; Bobcat 21A (.22,.25); 950 Jetfire; Pico/ Diamondback DB380 /
Jennings J-22; J25 / Jimenez Arms JA-25; JA-22 LR; JA280 / Kel-TEC P-32; P-3AT (.380) / Llama Model 17 (.22 short)
/ North American Arms Guardian / Phoenix Arms HP22; HP25 / Raven MP25 / Remington RM380 / Ruger LCP (.380); LCPll /
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 / Taurus PT-22; PT-25; 738 TCP / and many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Compact
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Small 1.75-2.75" Barrel W/Laser TAC-WSB1LZ
Designed for small frame auto's barrel 1.75" to 2.75" length with under pistol laser.
Some of the models it fits: Desert Eagle- Desert Micro Eagle / Astra-Camper / Beretta-Tomcat
3032 (.32 ACP); 20; Bobcat 21A (.22;.25); 950 Jetfire; Pico / Cobra-CA32; CA380 / Jennings- J-22; J-25
/ Jimenez Arms-JA-25; JA-22 LR; JA-380 / Kahr- P380; CW380 / Kel-TEC-P-32; P-3AT (.380) / Kimber-Mocro
Carry .380 / Llama-Model 17 (.22 short) / North American Arms-Guardian (2.19 and 2.5 Barrel Length) /
Phoenix Arms-HP22; HP25 / Raven-MP25 / Remington-RM380 / Ruger-LCP .380; LCP || / Semmerling-LM4 / Sig Sauer-
P238 / Smith & Wesson-Bodyguard .380, and many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Compact W/laser
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Med Revolver W/ 2" Barrel Revolver TAC-WSB2
Designed for Medium frame Revolvers with 2" barrel in both 6 and 8 shot models.
Some models: Colt-Agent; Cobra; Commando; Detective SPL; Lawman; DSII SPF VI; Official Police (6 shot) /
EAA-Windicator (6 shot) / Kimber-K6s (6 shot) / Rossi-461 (.357); 462 (.357); (6 shot) / S&W-331 (6 shot);
351 PD (7 shot); 43C, 317, 317LS (8 shot); 10'12,13,34,63,431 PD,651 (6 shot); 19, 66, 315, 325, 329, 357,
586, 632, 676, 686+ (6 shot); 386, 386PD, 686+ (7 shot); 327 (8shot) / Taurus-Instant Backup (8shot); 731, 856
(6shot); 617, 817 (7shot); 17, 941 (8 shot); 94 (9shot); 65, 444 Multi (6shot); 66 (7shot), and many other
like sized revolvers.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Outer layer is cordura ballistic
nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep moisture from your gun, inner padding
and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded nylon and double stitched at pressure
points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Med 2" Barrel Revolvers
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Compact W/Laser 3-3.75" Barrel TAC-WSB3LZ
Designed for compact pistols with 3-3.75" length barrel. All with under barrel laser, such as AMT-Backup .45acp.;
Automag II .22 WMR / American Tactical-Titan 1911 / Astra-A-80 9mm; A-90 9mm,.45; A-100 9mm, .40, .45; A-50; A-60;
A-70; A-75; 300: 3000; falcon; / Auto Ordance-Pittbull / Beretta-Model 34; 70 Puma; Jaguar; Model 84; Cougar 8000 series
(9mm 8000)(.357 sig 8357)(.40 S&W 8040)(.45 Acp 8045); Cheeta (Model 85 .380acp)(Model 81 .32acp.)(Model 87 .22LR)(9000S
9mm, .40sw); Strom PX4 Subcompact .9mm, 40 S&W; Storm PX4 Compact 9mm, .40 S&W / Bersa-Thunder 9, Thunder 45, Thunder plus;
TPR Compact / Browning-BDA .380, 1911-22 / CZ-CZ83 / Charles Daly-M-5 Ultra X compact 9mm, .45acp; 1911 A-1 ECS / Cobra-
Patriot 45 / Colt-Defender .45auto; Officers ACP .45; DBL Eagle Officers .45; 1991 A1 Compact / Daewoo-DP52 (Walther); PH380
/ EAA-Witness; Zastava / FNH-FNS Compact / Glock-26,27,39,28 (with 4" barrel)l; 23,26,29,30,36 (with 3.75" Barrel) /
H&K-P2000SK; USP Compact; P2000; / HI-Point-C-9; CF-380 9mm / Jennings-J-22; J-25 / Jimenez Arms-NINE / Kimber-
Ultra Carry II; Ultra II; Eclipse Ultra II; SIS Ultra; SIS Custom; Ultra CDP II; Ultra Conver II; Ultra Aegis II;
Ultra RCPII; Ultra Raptor II; Ultra Ten II; / LLAMA-Micromax IIIA; Minimax / Magnum Research-IMI SP-21 / Makarov-PM /
Para Ordnance-CCO; Carry 12; OPS;Black Watch / Ruger-SR9C; SR1911; SR40C / Sig Sauer-P365 Nitron Micro Compact; P-224;
P225-A1; P-320; Smith & Wesson-CS9; 2213; 2214; 1911 PRO Series; M&P Shield; CS40; CS45; M&P Shield Mod.2; M&P Compact
(908,3913L, 3913TSW, 3914, 4013TSW, 990L, 469, 669, 3953, 3954, 4053, 6904, 6906, 6944, 6946); M&P 380 Shield EZ; M&P 22
compact; 4513TSW; 457; 457D; 4556 / Springfield Armory-1911-1A; Defender; EMP1911; XD Sub-Compact (XD-9, XD-40, XDM Compact);
1911-1A; XDE; P9 Compact / Star-Ultrastar / Steyr-S Model / Taurus-Millennium Pro (PT-745,PT-140,PT-145,PT-111,PT-111 G2,PT-138,
58,609Ti,909,24/7 Compact); PT-957,PT940,PT-908 / Walther-PPS Compact; PPS M2; PPQ Subcompact; P-99 Compact; PP Super, P-5 /
Wilson-Sentinel / and many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Compact
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Compact 3-3.75" Barrel TAC-WSB3
Designed for compact frame with 3-3.75" length barrels semi auto. Fits:
AMT- Backup .45 ACP with 3" barrel; Automag 11 .22 WMR with 3 3/8" barrel; /
American Tactical- Titan 1911 with 3.5" barrel; Astra- A-80 9mm, A-90 9mm,.45, A-100 9mmm .40, .45 all with 3.35" barrel; A-50, A-60, A-70, A-75 with 3.47"
barrel; 300, 3000 with 3.5" barrel; Falcon with 3.86" barrel; /
Auto Ordance- Pittbull with 3.5" barrel /
Beretta- Model .4, 70 Puma, Jaguar, Model 84
all with 3.5" Barrel; Cougar 8000 Series 9mm (8000), .357 Sig (8357), .40 S&W (8040), .45ACP (8046) all with 3.6-3.7" barrel; Cheetah Model 85 .380ACP, Model
80 .32ACP, Model 87 .22 all with 3.8" barrel; Storm Px4 Subcompact 9mm, .40S&W with 3" barrel; Storm Px4 Compact 9mm and .40S&W with 3.27" barrel; /
Bersa- Thunder 9, Thunder 45, Thunder Plus with 3 1/2 inch barrel; TPR Compact with 3.25" Barrel; Browning- BDA .380, 1911-22 with 3.8" barrel; /
CZ- CZ83 with 3.8" barrel; Charles Daly- M-5 Ultra X Compact 9mm and .45ACP with 3 1/7" barrel; 1911 A-1 ECS with 3 1/2" barrel; /
Cobra- Patriot 45 with 3.3" barrel; /
Colt- Defender .45 ACO with 3" barrel; Offficers ACP .45, DBL Eagle Officers .45, 1991 A1 Compact all with 3 1/2" barrel; /
Daewoo- DP52 (Walther), PH380 all with 3 3/4 inch barrel; /
EAA- Witness, Zastava with 3.6" barrel; /
Glock- 26, 27, 39, 28 all with 3.4" barrel; /
H&K- P2000SK with 3.27" barrel; USP Compact 3.58" barrel; Jennings- 48, 9mm 13shot with 3-4" barrel; /
Jimenez Arms- Nine 3.75" barrel; /
Kimber- Ultra Carry 11, Ultra 11, Eclipse Ultra 11, SIS Ultra, SIS Custom, Ultra CDP 11, Ultra Conver 11, Ultra AEGIS 11, Ultra RCP 11, Ultra Raptor 11,
Ultra Ten 11 all with 3" barrel; /
Llama- Micromax, 111A with 3" barrel; Minimax with 3.5" barrel; Magnum Research- IMI SP-21 with 3 7/8" barrel; /
Makarov- PM with 3.83" barrel; /
Para Ordnance- CCO, Carry 12, OPS, Black Watch with 3.5" barrel; /
Ruger- SR9C, SR1911, SR40C with 3.5" barrel; /
Sig Sauer- P365, Nitron Micro Compact with 3.1" barrel; P-224, P225-A1 with 3.5" barrel; P-320 with 3.6" Barrel; /
Smith & Wesson- CS9, 2213, 2214, 1911,Pro Series all with 3" barrel; CS40, CS45, M&P Shield Mod 2 all with
3.25" barrel; M&P Compact, 908, 3913L, 3913TSW, 3914, 4013TSW, 990L, 469, 669, 3953, 3954, 4053, 6904, 6906, 6944, 6946 all with 3.5" barrel;
M&P 380 shield EZ, M&P 22 Compact all with 3.675" barrel; 4513TSW, 457, 457D, 4556 all with 3.75" barrel; /
Springfield Armory- 1911-A, Defender, EMP1911 all with 3" barrel; 1911-1A, XDE all with 3 1/2" barrel; P9 Compact with 3 3/4" barrel; STAR- Ultrastar with 2 1/2" barrel; /
Walther- P99 Compact, PP Super, P-5 all with 3.4" barrel; /
WILSON- Sentinel 3.6" barrel; and many other Similar size pistols.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Compact Size 3-3.75" Barrel length
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Full Size 3.8-4.5" Barrel TAC-WSB7
Designed for large frame with 4-4.5" length barrels. Fits Glock-17,19,22,23,25,31,32
33,38,45,48; Beretta- APX,92 Compact S&W 9VE, 40VE; and many other Similar size pistols.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Full Size 3.8-4.4" Barrel length
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Large Frame Auto and Revolver 4.5 to 5" Barrels Clip On TAC-WSB8
Designed for Full size frame with 4.5 to 5" Barrels. Fits semi auto and revolver pistols such as
AMT- Automag 11 .22 WMR with 4 1/2" Barrel /
Auto Ordanance- General with 4 1/2" barrel /
Beretta- 92 Series, 92FS 9mm, .40 S&W with 4.9" barrel, 96G 9mm, .40 S&W with 4.7" barrel, U22 NEOS .22LR 4.5" Barrel, Vertec 9mm, M9 with 4.92" barrel,
M9, M9A1, M9A3 with 5" Barrel, Storm PX4 Special Duty .45 ACP with 4.6" barrel /
Browning- BDA with 4.6" barrel /
Desert Eagle- Baby Desert Eagle 9mm, .40 S&W, .45ACP with 4.72" Barrel /
CZ- CZ85B, CZ85 Combat, CZ97B with 4.7" Barrel; CZ 75 Champion, CZ75 SP-01, CZ75B, CZ75BD, CZ75B SA, CZ75 Stainless and CZ75 30th anniv 9mm,
CZ75 Kadet .22LR,all with 4.5" Barrel; CZ09 with 4.54" barrel; CZ Shadow 2 with 4.89" Barrel; Pointman Seven 1911 with 5" barrel /
Canik- Shark-FC with 4.72 Barrel; TP9 SFx with 5.2" Barrel /
Desert Eagle- Baby Desert Eagle, 9mm, .40 S&W .45ACP all with 4.72" Barrel /
EAA- Witness, Witness Stock with 4.5" Barrel; Witness Limited Team, Witness Match, with 4.75" Barrel /
FNH- High Power (mags will not fit mag pouch on holster) with 4 3/4 " barrel; FNS Longslide, FN Five Seven with 5" barrel /
Glock- 20, 21, 37 with 4.6" barrel /
H & K- USP, USP Combat Tactical, P30L with 4.41" barrel, HK45 with 4.53" barrel, USP Tactical; VP9 Tactical with 4.78" barrel;
USP Tactical with 5.09" barrel; USP Expert, HK45 Tactical with 5.19" barrel; /
Hi-Point- 45ACP with 4" barrel; 40SW-B with 4.5" barrel /
HS America- PHP (standard) with 4.88" barrel; /
Kel-Tec- PMR30 /
LES Baer- 1911 Series with 4.25" barrel /
Remington- RP9, RP45 with 4 1/2" barrel /
Ruger- KP44, P944 with 4 3/16 barrel: 22/45 Mark 111, Mark 111, KP90, P85, KP89, P89, KP95, P95 with 4 1/2" barrel /
Sig Sauer- Mosquito W/Threaded Barrel 4.58" barrel; 210, P320 with 4.7-4.8" Barrel; P220 Sport, Mosquito Sport with 4.9" Barrel; /
Smith & Wesson- M&P 45, 4500 TSW Series, 622 with 4.5" Barrel; M&P9 M2.0 with 5" barrel /
Springfield Armory- XD(M), .40,.45 4.8" barrel; P9 4 3/4" barrel /
Star BM, BKM, PD, 28, 30M, 31P all with 4" barrel; Firestar 45 with 4" barrel; P88 with 4" Barrel; /
Taurus- PT92, PT99, PT100, PT101 with 5" Barrel; PT 24/7 OSS with 5 1/4" barrel /
Walther- PPQ SD Threaded Barrel, PPX SD with 4.6" barrel; /
Wilson- Carry Comp with 4.5" Barrel.
And many other similar sized pistols
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Small Frame 4" Revolvers Clip On TAC-WSB10
Designed for Uberti- 1873 Cattleman Revolver; Cattleman Birds Head Revolver all with 4 3/4" Barrel. And many other similar sized pistols
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Med Frame Revolver TAC-WSB11
Designed for Medium frame revolver type pistols with 3" barrels. Fits:
Astra - Revolver .38 special, .357 Mag, .41 Mag, .44 Special, .44 Mag, .45 ACP, .45 Long Colt, (all are 6 shot) all with 3" barrel /
Charter - Revolvers; Bulldog, DAO Bulldog, .44 Special 5 Shot all with 2.5" barrel /
Cimarron - Revolvers; Model P, .22lr, .32WFC, .357mag, .44SPL,.45 Colt, .45acp, .45 Colt all 6 shot with 3" Barrel /
Colt - Revolver; Official Police (6 shot) with 3" Barrel /
Kimber - K6s (6 shot) with 3" Barrel /
Korth - Combat, Sport Target (6 Shot) with 3" barrel /
Ruger - GP100, LCRx all 6 shot with 3" Barrel, SP101 5 shot with 3 1/16" barrel, SP 101 6 shot with 3 1/16 barrel /
Smith & Wesson - 36, 60, 60 Pro Series, 396, 696 all 5 shot with 3" barrel; 10, 13, 19, 24, 25, 29, 64, 65, 65LS, 66, 67, 310, 547, 586, 629,
657, all 6 shot with 3" Barrel; 386 seven shot with 3" barrel; 63, 317 8 shot with 3" barrel. /
Taurus - Public Defender with 2" barrel /
Uberti - Cattleman's Bird's Head, Top Break with 3 1/2" barrel
; and many other Similar size pistols.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon.
Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep moisture from your gun, inner padding and
soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded nylon and double stitched at pressure points.
Holster can be used left or right handed by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Med Size Revolver
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Med 4" Barrel Revolver TAC-WSB12
Designed for medium frame revolvers with 4" barrel, fits many makes and models.
Popular applications: Astra-.38 Special, .357 Mag, .41 Mag, .44 Special, .44 Mag,
.45 Long Colt (all 6shot); Beretta-Stampede .45LC, .44-40, .357 Mag (6shot); Stampede
Bisley (.45LC, .357 Mag, 6shot); Stampede Marshall (.45LC, .357, 6shot) / Charles
Daly-Classic 1873 Single Action (.45LC, .357mag, 6shot) / Charter-Pathfinder .22 mag
and .22 LR, 6shot; Target Mag Pug in .357 Mag; Target Bulldog in .44 special 6shot
/ Cimarron-Model P in .22LR,.32WFC,.357 Mag, .44 Spl, .45 Colt, .45 ACP, 6shot; Lighting
in .38 Special 6shot; Model P Jr in .38 Special 6 shot; / Colt-Commando, Lawman, Official
Police, Marshall, Metropolitan, King Cobra, Peacekeeper, Python, Three-Five-Seven,
Trooper, Diamondback; Army Special 6shot / EAA-Windicator 6shot; Bounty Hunter (4 1/2" barrel centerfire);
Bounty Hunter (rimfire 4 3/4" Barrel) / Freedom Arms-Model 97 Premier (6shot) / Korth-Combat Sport Target
6shot / Llama-Martial, Commanche Series (6shot) / Nagant-M1895 / Rossi-Model 971, 851 (six shot) /
Ruger-Bearcat, SP101, GP100 (six shot); Smith & Wesson-10,12,13,15,18,19,21,22,27,27,29,34,48,57,
58,63,64,65,65LS,66,67,329,357PD,547,581,586,610,617,625,625JM,629,647,648,651,686,686+ (6shot); 627
Pro Series (8shot); 617 (10shot); Taurus-431,605,Judge 4510 TKR (6shot); 80,82,65,669 (6shot);
66,607,627 Tracker (7shot); 608,941 (8shot); S/A (6shot) / Uberti-Cattleman's Bird's Head; UCCP;
and many more models.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Outer layer is cordura ballistic
nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep moisture from your gun, inner padding
and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded nylon and double stitched at pressure
points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Med Revolver
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Med Frame Revolver 5-6" Barrel TAC-WSB14
Designed for Medium frame Revolver, Fits:
Astra: .38 Spcl, .357 Mag, .41 mag, .44 Special, .44 Mag
.45 ACP, .45 Long Colt, All are 6 Shot all with 6" Barrel.
Beretta: Stampede: .45 LC, .44-40, .357 Mag, all with 6 shot all with 5 1/2" barrel.
Stampede: .45 LC 6 Shot 5 1/2 inch barrel.
Stampede Bisley: .45LC, .357 Mag, All with 6 shot and 5 1/2" barrel
Charles Daly: Classic 1873 Single Action Revolver: .45LC, .357 Mag, 6 shot 5 1/2" barrel.
Cimaron: Model P: .22LR, .32WFC, .357 Mag, .44 Spl, .45 Colt, .45 ACP; 6 shot with 5 1/2" Barrel
1872 Open Top; .38 Colt, .38 Spl, .44 Colt, .44 Russian,
.45 S&W Schofield All with 5 1/2" barrel
Lighting: .38 Special 6 shot with 5 1/2" barrel
Model P Jr: .38 Special 6 shot with 5 1/2" Barrel
Colt: New Frontier: Single Action Army: Peacemaker with 5 1/2 barrel
Dan Wesson: Supermag Series; .357 Supermag, maximum .44 Supermag, .445 Supermag all 6 shot with 6" Barrel
EAA: Windicator; Windicator Target with 6" barrel
Harrington & Richardson: 504, 986, 609, 604, 649, 650, 686, 900, 901,
903, 904, 922, 929, 930, 939, 940, 949, 950, 999 all with 5-6" barrel
Korth: Combat: Sport Target: 6 shot with 6" barrel.
Llama: Comanche lll with 6" barrel.
Magnum Research: BFR with 6 1/2" Barrel
Navy Arms:1873 Colt-Style SAA 6 shot with 5 1/2" Barrel
Rossi: Model 972 6 shot with 6" barrel
Ruger: Blackhawk; Super Blackhawk; Vaquero; Single Six; Super Single-Six; Redhawk; Old Army;
Bisley Vaquero; all with 6 shot and 5 1/2" Barrel
GP100; six shot with 6" barrel
Smith and Wesson: 22 with 5.5" barrel
14; 17; 19; 27; 28; 29; 66; 586; 617; 629; 647; 648; 657; 686; 686+; all with 8 shot and 6" barrel.
686+ with 7 shot and 6" barrel
17, 617 all with 10 shot and 6" barrel.
24; 25; 27 29; 610; 629; 629 Classic; 629 Classic DX all with 6 shot and 6 1/2" barrel.
Tarus: 941 8 shot with 5" barrel
94 with 9 Shot and 5" barrel
Gaucho; S/A 6 shot with 5 1/2" barrel
605; 970 TKR; 971 TKR 5 shot with 6" Barrel
65; 669 with 6 shot and 6" barrel
66; 607; 970 TKR; 970 TKR all with 7 shot and 6" barrel.
17 TKR; 970 TKR all with 7 shot and 6 1/2" barrel.
Uberti: 1873 Cattleman; Frontier; Police; 1860 Army Conversion all with 5 1/2" barrel.
Top Break with 6 1/2 barrel
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Med Frame Revolvers
- Weight: .35 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Large Frame Semi Auto TAC-WSB15
Designed for large frame semi auto type pistols, 1911 size. Fits:
Auto Ordnance- 1911 A1 with 5" barrel /
Browning- Nomad .22LR with 4 1/2" barrel /
Charles Daly- M-5 IPSC, M-5 Govt. 1911, A-1 EFS all with 5" barrel; HI-Power W/XS Sights with 4 5/8" barrel /
Colt - Combat Elite, Special Combat, Delta Elite, Gov't Model, Gold Cup, Combat Target, 1991 A1, Gunsite .38 super, Colt 1911 WW1 Replica,
Series 70, Double Eagle mark 11, GI Match all with 5" Barrel; 1991 Series (Goverment Series), Gunsite all with
5" barrrel /
Dan Wesson - Pointman (.45), Razorback 1911 (10mm) with 5" Barrel /
Desert Eagle - Desert Eagle 1911 with 5" Barrel /
EAA - Witness Gold Team with 5.25" barrel /
Ed Brown - 1911 Series 5" barrel /
Korth - Korth (9mm, 9x21 IMI, .357 Sig, .40 S&W, .45 ACP) with 5" Barrrel /
Les Baer - 1911 Series with 5" Barrel /
LLAMA - Max-1, 1911, SA-111A, VIII all with 5" Barrel /
Mitchell - Gold Series 1911 /
Para Ordnance - TAC-Five Super Hawg, PXT1911 SSP Gun Rights, Todd Jarrett USPSA, 1911 SSP, 1911 Limited,
P14 45, Big Hawg, PXT P14 .45, P18 9, S14 45, LDA SSP, Hi-Cap .15, Nite-Tac, 1911 Nite-Tac, GI-Expert
all with 5" Barrel /
Remington - 1911 A1 with 5" Barrel /
Rock Island - 1911 with 5" Barrel /
Ruger - Mark 1, Mark 11, Mark 111, Mark 111 22/45 Lite all with 4 3/4" barrel /
Sig Sauer - P-220 Match, P-226 X-Five, PL-22 Trailside, 1911 Nitron all with 5" Barrel /
Smith & Wesson - M&P 9 Pro Series, 1911, 1911PD, 645, 745, 1006, 4506, 4526, 422, 945, 52, 952 all with 5" barrel /
Taurus - 1911 with 5" barrel /
Walther - P-22, P-38, all with 5" Barrel /
Wildey - Hunter Survivor with 5" Barrel /
Wilson - Classic, CQB Series, KZ-45 Compact, Classic Supergrade, Tactical Supergrade, Tactical Elite, Protector
; and many other Similar size pistols.
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Full Size Semi Auto
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Med/Large Auto 3.9-5.25" Barrel W/Laser TAC-WSB19
Designed for medium to large auto's with under barrel laser and barrel lengths 3.9-5.25".
Medium to Large frame Glock, S&W, Baretta, Springfield, Colt, Taurus, Walther, Ruger,
Sig Sauer and Many more
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Med to Large Frame
- Weight: .22 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Sub Compact 3-3.5" Barrel TAC-WSB20
Designed for Sub Compact 's with 3-3.5" barrel such as Bersa Thunder .380; Walther PK380; Beretta Nana;
Glock 42 or 43; Kel Tec PF-9, and many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Sub-Compact
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Auto Ruger 5.5 to 6" Barrel Clip On TAC-WSB21
Designed for Ruger 22 Automatic With 6" Bull Barrel / AMT- Automag II .22 WMR 6" Barrel / Astra- 400: .32, 9mm all 5.91" barrel /
Beretta- U22 Neos: 22LR; 87 Target: .22LR; Jaguar, 89; 93 all with 6" Barrel / Browning- Buck Mark Plus UDX; .22LR, NRA HI-Grade- 1&2: 22LR,
Buck Mark Camper: .22LR, Buck Mark Standard URX (Contour, Conutour, Lite, Lite Splash, Practical),
Buck Mark Challange 5 1/2" Barrel, Buck Mark 5.5 Field, / CZ 75- Tactical Sport 5.4" Barrel / Charles Daly- 1911 Empire 5 3/4" Barrel / Colt- Huntsman, Targetman,
Woodsman, Challenger all with 6" Barrel / EAA- IZH-35 6" Barrel / Glock- 34, 35, 41, G34 Gen4 All With 5.32" barrel, 24 with 6" Barrel / H&K- USP Elite 6" Barrel /
High Standard- Victor, Olypmic, Supermatic Trophy all with 5.5" Barrel; Supermatic Trophy MDL 84FS with 5.5" Barrel / Les Baer- 1911 Series with 6" Barrel /
Para Ordance- Super Hawg with 6" Barrel / Ruger- Mark 1, Mark 11, 22/45 Mark 111, Mark 111 all with 5 1/2 inch barrel; Mark 11, Mark 111 all with 6" Barrel /
Sig Sauer- 210 with 5.9" barrel, PL-22 Trailside with 6" Barrel / Steyr- GB with 5.5" Barrel / Taurus- 922 sport, PT922 All with 6" Barrel / Walther-
SP-22 with 6" Barrel / Widley- Hunter Survivor with 6" Barrel. And many other similar sized pistols
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster WSB-23 Large Frame Revolver 4-6 1/2" Barrel
Designed for Large Frame revolver with 4-6 1/2" Barrel.
Old number WSB32.
Cimarron: New Thunder; .357mag, .44 spl, .44 WCF, .45 Colt/45 Acp, .45 Colt (6 shot and
5 1/2" Barrel.)
Colt: Anaconda; (with 4" Barrel)
Anaconda; New Service (with 6" Barrel.)
Diamondback; King Cobra; Peacekeeper: Official Police; Python;
Three-Five Seven; Trooper Officers Model. (All with 6" Barrel)
Dan Wesson: Supermag Series (.357 Supermag; Maximum .44 Supermag, .445 Supermag)
(All with 4" Barrel and 6 Shot.)
Ruger: Blackhawk: Single Six; Super Single-Six; Bisley (all with 6 shot and 6 1/2" Barrel)
Smith & Wesson: 500 (5 shot with 4" Barrel)
619; 620; 686+ (all with 4" barrel and 7 shot)
500; 329PD (.44 Mag) (All with 4 1/2" barrel)
460; (with 5" barrel)
28; 625; 629 Classic (all with 6 shot and 5" Barrel)
27; 28; 29 (.357)l 629 ( all with 6" barrel)
Taurus: 405; 431; 444 Multi; 425 TKR, 455; 605; 905;
Raging Bull 500 Mag (All with 5 Shot and 4" Barrel)
454 Raging Bull; 480 Raging Bull; (All with 5 shot with 5" Barrel)
44; 416 Raging Bull; 444 Raging Bull; 627 TKR; (All with 6 shot and 6 1/2" Barrel)
608 (8 shot and 6 1/2" Barrel)
590 (9 shot and 6 1/2" Barrel)
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Outer layer is cordura ballistic
nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep moisture from your gun, inner
padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded nylon and double stitched
at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed by moving the thumb
break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Large Frame Revolvers
- Weight: .30 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Small Revolver 2" Barrel TAC-WSB24
Designed for most small frame Revolvers with 2" barrel, 5 shot snub nose, Ruger- SP101, Ruger LCR with
1.87" barrel, Rossi 351, 352 / Charter-Undercover, Undercover Lite, Pink Lady, Off Duty, Southpaw (.38
Special +P), Undercoverette (.32 H&R Mag/5shot); Pathfinder (.22 Mag & .22LR, Police Undercover (.38
Special +P 6shot), Mag Pub .357 Mag 5shot / Colt-Diamondback, King Cobra, Python / Rossi-Model 351 (.38),
352 (.38) 5shot / Ruger-Alaskan 5shot / S&W-36,36 LS, 37,40,42,332,337,337PD,340,340PD, M&P 340,342,342PD,
360,360PD,360,438,442,637,638,642,642LS,3637 Cheifs Special (5shot); Body Guard .38; 40,442,638,642,940 (5shot);
60,60LS,640,649,(5shot); 396 (5shot) / Taurus-Instant Backup 5shot; 85,405,415,450,455,605,650 CIA,651;
Protector 850 CIA, 851,905 (5shot); 415 5shot and many other makes and models.
and many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Outer layer is cordura ballistic
nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep moisture from your gun, inner padding
and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded nylon and double stitched at pressure
points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Revolver
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Pistol Holster Compact Auto 3.6-3.8" Barrel TAC-WSB33
Designed for compact automatics with mid size frames and shorter barrels. Fits most compacts with
3.6-3.8" barrels. A few of the models it fits: Glock Compacts 23,26,29,30,36 / Springfield XD SubCompact 7 /
Springfield XD-9 with 3" Barrel/ Taurus Millennium PT-111, G1, G2 / HI-Point 9 or .380 / Sig P229, and
H&K P2000 with 3.66" Barrel/ Astra A-70,A-75,
many others
Detailed Information:
Great nylon carry holster for your pistol. Holster can be worn clip on or
you can run your belt through for belt attach. Holster has adjustable thumb
break straps to keep your pistol safe and secure. Holster has extra mag pouch,
outer layer is cordura ballistic nylon. Inner layers of vinyl vapor barrier to keep
moisture from your gun, inner padding and soft nylon lining. Stitched with strong bonded
nylon and double stitched at pressure points. Holster can be used left or right handed
by moving the thumb break and clip.
- Condition: New
- Fitment: Various Compact
- Weight: .20 lb
- Color: Black
Tactical Leg Holster
New Gen with Composite Padding,
Tactical Design to Keep Gun in Ready Position Velcro Strap
Adjusts to Legs, Keepers for Height and Tension,
and Snap for Holster Tension.
High Quality Quick Release Buckle System.
Extra Magazine Pouch Attached.
Fits Most Medium to Large frame Autos, Glock,
Beretta, Taurus, Ruger, Sig, M-1911 and Others!
Right handed, Army Digi pattern!
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RMS Holster
Clip On Holster, Small
Beautiful Red Mountain Supply™ holster that can be cliped on or
looped through and belt worn. Black leatherite material is very
durable for long lasting use. Fits small to medium sized .22, .25,
.32 and .380 handguns as well as smaller 9mm models. Removable metal clip
also allows hoster to be worn on a belt. Also use with our
Matress Pal below!